Wow, this really resonated with me. THANK YOU for articulating this truth Black Americans feel. I went to a majority white high school and college. I'm an introvert and spent most of my adult life in the corporate world in majority-white spaces. Like most of us, I learned how to navigate them. But, I've also had more than my fair share of bigots and racists target me. When I began working from home several years before the pandemic, it was bliss. So the pandemic lockdown wasn't a problem for me. Not having to deal with Kens and Karens in the office? Yes, please. I also don't like large groups of people - especially white people for the reasons you describe and due to my introversion. I'm a comic book, sci-fi, and fantasy geek, but would never attend large conventions like San Diego Comic Con - the mecca of white geekdom. Yeah, pass. I love being able to stream movies and TV series at home. I don't go to see films in theaters anymore, either. My apologies for being so long-winded, but your article struck a deep chord with me, and I'm sure I won't be the only one.