Please tread very carefully. Since you are one of the only few Black employees at your company, the onus will fall on you to be the "Black person whisperer." white people still don't get we are not a monolith. Also-and this will seem very radical to most-you should be PAID a bonus for being asked to participate in any so-called Diversity Committee because it's going to require of you more emotional labor and heavy lifiting in addition to your current responsibilities you were actually hired for. Again, please proceed with caution. I'm 50 and spent over 20 years in corp. America hell. I'm skeptical about this new era of "white wokeness" because white supremacy and institutional racism are in the very DNA of this country. It's trendy for white people to appear "woke" to issues of racial injustice now, but then most will get bored and move on. Real change will only come when it costs them something - and most are too comfortably ensconced in their privilege. Most won't have the uncomfortable converstions with their families, friends, and peers that will spark lasting change. I hope I'm very wrong, but history... So, be careful and I wish you all the best.