I appreciate your willingness to engage in these conversations. But the truth remains, Black people didn't invent chattel slavery and anti-Black racism, white people did. As Mr. X pointed out, he (as a proxy for white people) benefits from it. My feeling is collectively white people deep, deep down in the remnants of what remains of their souls, know their position of wealth and privilege came at the expense and detriment of enslaved Black people - and that it's wrong, period. However, they relish their privileged positions in this society - and for many, the wealth that comes with it. No one who holds such power will share ANY of it willingly. It's funny, white people talk about Black people seeking revenge, when if we did, this nation would have been burned to the ground already. Their feeling of being threatened is a manifestation of white guilt - and as Mr. X put it, that's not Black people's problem. Bottom line: eventually oppressed people get tired of being oppressed (see the French Revolution), while wealthy oppressors who built the system oppressing them, attempt to wash their hands of it. A breaking point eventually comes. And calling Mr. X a nice guy? We as a people need to stop showing grace to those who hate us and would continue to see us crushed into the ground - for their continued benefit - in my opinion. Thank you for writing such a fascinating piece and being willing to engage.