Hey Marley, I know I'm late, but I wanted to take the opportunity to express to you how your work on this psychotic platform inspires me. Your guts and no-bullshit, honest call outs of racism and white supremacy is a much needed light in the sea of darkness Black Americans must navigate living in this country. I have also noticed the last "pivot" this platform has taken and it is the last straw for me. I started writing on this platform waay back in 2015 and despite having close to 5 thousand "followers" have never made any significant amounts of money. Profit wasn't my main goal, but neither was being exploited. I've had articles quoted on CNN.com and republished in The Observer, but again, Medium gained all the traffic while I made pennies - no hyberbole. I'm done with paying Medium to be exploited. I have already become a subsriber to your new site because honest, no-holds-barred criticism of racism and white supremacy is vital in the hellscape that is the United States. Thanks for all your hard work. I'm also going to move all of my essays to my own site. But it's important for me to do what I can to support creators whose work proves invaluable to me. You, of course, are counted in that number. Please stay encouaged. Peace.